Monday, August 20, 2007

Talking to the master

I did it.

After weeks of wandering around the Physics building, I sighted Professor Joseph Eberly. For those of you who don't know, he is one of the most famous optical physicists in the world. He also happens to be the current president of the Optical Society of America, the worlds largest professional organization of optical researchers, engineers, technicians, and anyone related to the optics industry.

After a brief introduction I sat down and told him how I wanted him to supervise my masters essay. After a bit of convincing, he agreed.

Even better news, he cautiously informed me that there would be a good chance he would be able to take on new students next year. Which is perfect timing considering that is when I would have to start my PhD level research.

Unlike a thesis, the masters essays requires no original research and can be finished within one year, thus allowing me to graduate with a masters after only nine months. The drawback is that you get little or no training in being a researcher. Of course, if I am accepted to the PhD program that will never happen.

None of this was planned. Three months ago I had no idea Joseph Eberly was the president of the OSA nor did I even know he was doing active research in the field of Quantum Information and Quantum Optics. It seems like choosing to attend the University of Rochester was the second best decision I had ever made (marrying my wife would be the first although that was a no brainer).

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