Monday, July 23, 2007



First, let me introduce myself. I'm a first year graduate student at the University of Rochester, where I am currently working towards my masters degree in optics. In general, like all optikers, I enjoy staying informed regarding current events in the optics industry and scientific research.

My research interests are in quantum information and quantum optics.

After graduating from public university from California I decided to work for four years as an IT manager. Since then, I have decided to come back and pursue my PhD.

After applying to several strong schools in quantum optics I ultimately decided to attend the University of Rochester's Institute of Optics. This was not an easy decision considering I was offered fellowships and immediate admission in a PhD program at several well regarded universities. However, I ultimately felt at home at the University of Rochester. The professors were quite welcoming and the students were very down to earth and spoke well of their time at Rochester.

The Institute of Optics is an academic department that specializes in optics education. The coursework and research span a wide range of optics related areas: from optical devices, biomedical imaging, laser based fusion, Bose-Einstein Condensate, nano-optics, to quantum optical information.

It is my hope, that from time to time whenever I discover something cool regarding optics technology, research, or industry, I will post it onto this blog. In order to protect my others, I will not use real names.


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